7 Day Program - Eliminating the Lack of Control, Powerlessness & Helplessness

$47 $154
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No body likes feeling out of control – with this feeling comes the deeper feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.

With these feelings comes a sense of complacency…an uncritical satisfaction with self, circumstances or of personal achievements.

Unfortunately, women have had to prove there worth to society for too long…which has been frightening and overwhelming.  It has been fraught with fighting stereo-types at work, in relationships, in communities, in the media…

Constantly having to prove self-worth and capabilities of bigger, better, brighter and more…is a very dis-empowering place to be.  Not only does it disempower you as a woman, it disempowers you in every other area of your life because you are never free to just be.

Control is an illusion – not only are there very few things in life you can truly control, but there are very few things in life that others can truly have control over you with – unless you give your power away….

Being a woman and mama is NOT about:

✔ Being in control of everyone and everything…

✔ Being held hostage to the illusion of control…

✔ Believing you are powerless or helpless to make change…

Being a woman and a mama IS about:

✔ Meeting your own needs first so there is more of you to share

✔ Identifying what you can control so that you can focus your energy and attention

✔ Embodying courage and strength to lead by example as the most magnificently powerful and vulnerable expression of love you can be

As a mama there are always going to be curly challenges…times you become frustrated…things you don’t know how to do….  Things you don’t want to do…

You are going to experience the full gauntlet of emotions that are natural to being human….

There are always going to be outside situations and circumstances that you can’t avoid or change…

The empowerment comes when you are able to recognise what you can change…your perspectives, your thoughts, your beliefs, how you behave or your actions…your emotions and feelings.

This empowerment is a bi-product of being able to honour all the times you have felt out of control, powerless and helpless and nurture yourself in loving ways.

When you, as a woman, can honour all the feelings of being out-of-control, powerless and helplessness, you are able to release and transform into a empowered, flexible and peaceful woman…AND this empowerment, flexibility and peace is felt by all who love you…it is the example you lead by…it is the vibration you put out into the world.

When you feel empowered, flexible and peaceful within yourself you are able to do this mama gig from a whole new dynamic…and everyone benefits!

The Eliminating Lack of Control, Powerlessness and Helplessness 7 Day Hypnosis Program is a wealth of 8to 20 minute self-hypnosis audio recordings designed to take you on a deep dive journey to not only support and nurture you on a daily basis, but to create profound and lasting transformation.

Targeting your brain’s natural neural-plasticity to re-wire, re-map, re-align neural pathways ensuring that you not only honour and integrate the old coping habits of lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness, but you are able to recognise that all unhelpful and undesirable ways of feeling, thinking, believing and behaving were once solutions to problems that are now no longer working to your advantage…they are no longer helping you….it is time now, to create new ways of feeling, thinking, believing and behaving…new ways that are more desirable, supportive and nurturing…

THIS IS WHAT IS INCLUDED in OUR eliminating lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness 7 day hypnosis program:

✔ Day 1 - You will experience a deep cleaning out of any lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness that may have built up in your system.

✔ Day 2 - We will complete a process where we turn down what is called the lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness regulating dial. This process will support you to be able to regulate the emotional intensity easily and effortlessly

✔ Day 3 - We will take some time to honour your past experiences and give them a voice. We will then begin the process of shifting the perspective from being stuck in the perpetual cycle of lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness to discovering your new identity of feeling and being clear, grounded and calm. 

This process allows for integration of the past by honouring it and seeing the potential for growth as a result of the experiences.

✔ Day 4 - you will learn a self-empowering technique called the Safe Container, which will allow you to easily and effortlessly create a safe container around you that allows you to remain protected from the old triggers of lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness, and to process life in a much more happier, peaceful, content and calm way.

✔ Day 5 - We will essentially be reframing your perspective and give you control over the choices you make so you are better able to prioritise where you focus your attention and energy so that you can release and eliminate lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness as a habit.

✔ Day 6 - We will re-align your identity – we will shift from the perception of a woman with the habitual identity of consistently experiencing lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness and we will exchange it for the identity of a woman who is happy, peaceful, content and calm. This will support you to honour the fear of the unknown….  The fear of “who will I be without this lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness?”.  You will be able to completely transform the old habit and become deeply aware of your new identity as an empowered, flexible and peaceful woman as your new permanent way of being.

✔ Day 7 - We will help you to solidify yourself into the future as this newly transformed, empowered, flexible and peaceful woman who is enjoying being a mama and living life in a whole new way.  This process helps you to bring your desire for lasting transformation into the present now moment.

Our self-hypnosis audio downloads have been designed by our team of experienced hypnotherapists to help re-wire, re-map and re-align your neural-pathways to ensure that you are able to create deep and long-lasting transformation, so that you are able to step into your true power as a woman and a mama.

Imagine what it would be like to:

✔ No longer feel lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness

✔ Empower yourself to recognise warning signs of lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness and make different choices that support you in better ways!

✔ Make regular time to nourish and nurture you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually by journeying with this 7 Day Self-Hypnosis Program!

✔ Know that feeling lack of control, powerlessness and helplessness are old habits you used to do BUT NOT ANY MORE!

To achieve results all you need to do is give yourself a quiet space where you can be uninterrupted for approximately 20 minutes.

You can achieve significant results with just one 20-minute self-hypnosis….

You never know…this may be the beginning of your new “Morning Wake-Up Routine”.

No coffee needed LOL 😉

Once you purchase from any of our self-hypnosis audio recordings, you will have it to listen to for ever.  You can download it directly to your favourite device and listen anytime, anywhere as often as you like.  When you buy any of our self-hypnosis audio recordings you will receive them instantly, you will also receive them by E-Mail.

Holding onto the “unjoyful” emotions of life and not honouring them or letting them pass through you are learned behaviours, it was once the solution to a problem.  It isn’t working in desirable ways for you now.  With awareness of your habits and how they are working OR not working for you empowers you with choice…

You get to choose new habits…new ways of thinking, feeling, believing and behaving.  Believe it or not, you do have choice over how you react or respond to the day-to-day stressors in your life that contribute to feeling messy, out-of-control and like a failure. 

If you seek to create awareness of self through your journey of life, then you can experience a fuller, richer version of self.  You can become empowered and uncover, discover and recover the most magnificent woman as you go...….

Hypnotherapy is a fabulously powerful tool to re-train your brain to release and let go of the old, unhelpful habits you have been engaging with to “get you through” and re-align to new and exciting possibilities for new habits that are more desirable, helpful and supportive.

Within just a few minutes each day you can let the old feelings, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours begin to melt away and you can start feeling better immediately.  It is important to note that hypnosis doesn’t remove life’s challenges all together.  BUT what it does do is help you to shift your perspectives, create space and peace from within and allow you to step back into the driver’s seat of your own life and become empowered with choice!  Choice about who you would like to be and how you would like to feel, think, believe and behave by taking one step at a time.

These hypnotic recordings help you to open the door to lasting change by supporting you to get right to the root of the problem and to release, reframe and realign your entire mind on a subconscious level. 

Imagine now, what it could be like for you to become a stronger, more confident, peaceful and steadier woman who can easily and effortlessly wear the many hats of being a mama, a spouse, a daughter, a friend, a colleague…Feels good hey?

To keep this as simple and as accessible as possible you do not require any special device to listen to our audio therapies, it works on any mobile phone, tablet or computer without having to download any special apps. (Works on android and Iphone /Ipad)

When you purchase our Hypnotherapy audio, you will receive instant access to the audio file, and it will also be delivered straight to your e-mail.  You will have it to listen to over and over again.

So, if you are ready to be your own V.I.P and discover who you are as a woman, so you can become a happier, healthier mama, spouse, daughter and friend…then I invite you to begin your self-hypnosis transformation journey TODAY!

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