What's Included
1 x 90- minute 1:1 Bespoke Therapy / Coaching Sessions
This 90-minute bespoke session is designed to meet you exactly where you are at in the moment & give you that much needed "shot" of energy. The aim of this package is to re-energise you & give you a chance to refocus your energy.
2 Weeks of Voxer App Voice Messaging Support
To ensure that you're supported every step of the way. Available Mon-Friday 9am-4pm AEST (available for 14 days from date of session)
Self-Hypnosis Audio Library
- Discovering Your True Self MP3
- Energise Your Body, Mind & Soul MP3
for you to download & keep
Printable Workbook & Affirmations
Developing Self Awareness Workbook & Journal Self-Discovery Affirmations Printable PDF
Getting comfortable & relaxing during pregnancy can prove to be a challenge at times.
Your body is expanding & changing in ways that make it physically uncomfortable to stand, walk, sit or lay….
Your emotions are like a roller coaster & your mind often feels like a sieve.
It is not uncommon to experience stress, worry or anxiety during pregnancy that can also make relaxing a tough feat.
Relaxation is such an important part of nurturing your body & your baby during pregnancy, yet it can be such a challenging thing to experience.
Hypnotherapy can provide highly effective way to support & encourage your body, mind & soul to relax into pregnancy & release stress, strain, tension & discomfort easily & effortlessly. Hypnotherapy is safe & effective can support you to create lasting balance, calm, harmony & deep relaxation for your body, mind & soul during pregnancy.
This balance, calm, harmony & deep relaxation allows you to enjoy the journey that is pregnancy & prepare for the arrival of your new bundle of joy with happiness, excitement & wellbeing.
This self-hypnosis audio recording is designed to support, enhance & encourage you to relax & for you to feel calmer, happier & brighter throughout your pregnancy.
Being pregnant does NOT need to be:
⦁ An uncomfortable struggle day-in-day-out
⦁ Riddled with stress, strain or never-ending discomfort
⦁ Putting up with feeling uncomfortable with no relief in sight
Being pregnant CAN be about:
⦁ Giving your body & your baby the opportunity to relax deeply daily
⦁ Nourishing & nurturing your body, mind & soul in balancing, calming & relaxing ways
⦁ Enjoying the journey of pregnancy because you know that you can easily & effortlessly surrender, release, relax & feel calm on a daily basis
The pregnancy, birth & beyond experience is different & unique for every woman. And if you are finding it challenging to get comfortable or to release the emotional stress that pregnancy can bring, then this self-hypnosis audio is a powerful transformational tool that will help you to relax, balance & calm your body, mind & energy to support & encourage you to feel good during your pregnancy.
This self-hypnosis audio recording is designed to help you relax, unwind, nourish & nurture your body during pregnancy so that it you can feel more comfortable & be able to feel more relaxed throughout your pregnancy.
Our self-hypnosis audio downloads have been designed by our team of experienced hypnotherapists to help re-wire, re-map & re-align your neural pathways to ensure that you are able to create deep & long-lasting transformation, so that you are able to step into your true power as a woman & a mama.
Imagine what it would be like to:
⦁ Know that you can easily & effortlessly relax & feel comfortable during pregnancy
⦁ Nourish & nurture your body & your baby in deeply relaxing & comfortable ways
⦁ Enjoy your experience of being pregnant because you know you can easily & effortlessly relax deeply & feel comfortable
To achieve results all you need to do is give yourself a quiet space where you can be uninterrupted for approximately 30 minutes.
You can achieve significant results with just one 30-minute self-hypnosis…
Once you purchase from any of our self-hypnosis audio recordings, you will have it to listen to for ever. You can download it directly to your favourite device and listen anytime, anywhere as often as you like.
When you buy any of our self-hypnosis audio recordings you will receive them instantly, you will also receive them by E-Mail.
Creating empowered balance & harmony within your body, mind & soul is a way you can contribute in powerfully transformational ways throughout your pregnancy journey. You are actively choosing how you want to experience your pregnancy journey. You are actively strengthening the habit of choosing peace, calm & balance.
Hypnotherapy is a fabulously powerful tool to re-train your brain to release and let go of the old, unhelpful habits you have been engaging with to “get you through” and re-align to new and exciting possibilities for new habits that are more desirable, helpful and supportive.
Within just a few minutes each day you can consciously influence the flow of your body’s energy & encourage your body, mind & soul to work in balanced harmony to support all the milestones of your pregnancy journey.
It is important to note that hypnosis doesn’t remove life’s challenges all together. BUT what it does do is help you to shift your perspectives, create space and peace from within and allow you to step back into the driver’s seat of your own life and become empowered with choice! Choice about who you would like to be and how you would like to feel, think, believe and behave by taking one step at a time.
These hypnotic recordings help you to open the door to lasting change by supporting you to get right to the root of the problem and to release, reframe and realign your entire mind on a subconscious level.
Imagine now, what it could be like for you to truly connect with yourself in ways that are deeply empowering & transformational….Feels good hey?
To keep tis as simple & accessible as possible, you do not require an special device to listen to our audio therapies, it works on any mobile phone, tablet or computer without having to download any special apps. (Works on android & Iphone/Ipad)
When you purchase our hypnotherapy audios, you will receive instant access to the file, and it will also be delivered straight to your e-mail. You will have it to listen to over and over again.
So, if you are ready to be your own V.I.P & discover who you are as a woman, so you can become a happier, healthier mama, spouse, daughter & friend….then I invite you to begin your self-hypnosis transformational journey TODAY!