Single Recordings - No More Shame

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This self-hypnosis audio is for you dear heart, if you are ready to release any feelings of shame that you may have.

In today’s judgemental world it can be easy to trip over the urge to feel shame.  There are no shortages of people telling us that you are doing it wrong or that you are wrong.

Being your own worst critic doesn’t help matters either!

You may have internalised harsh feelings and beliefs about who you are as a woman and a mama and concluded that you are not worthy, deserving or valuable.

Well Dear Heart, I am here to support you in re-aligning this internalisation and help you to release the feelings of shame once and for all

It is time now, for you to shift your perspective so you can know you that you are worthy, deserving and valuable so that you can thrive as a woman and a mama.

Taking 30 minutes of your day to create a new habit of shifting your perspective so you can know you that you are worthy, deserving will help you to deeply and completely release those feelings of shame. 

The conscious practice of shifting your perspective and knowing your worth and value is a very powerful practice.

Being a woman and mama is NOT about:

  • Emulating the perfect archetype of what society believes a woman “should” be…
  • Being an inferior gender…
  • Allowing others expectations, judgements, beliefs or ideals dictate who you are in the world…


Being a woman and a mama IS about:

  • Valuing yourself exactly as you are for all that you are and all that you are not…
  • Rockin’ your life your way…
  • Being kind & compassionate with yourself…

There are always going to be moments in time when you feel you could have done better or made different choices.  You may find that sometimes those feelings of shame sneak up on you and trigger your self-doubt.  That is just the nature of the beast.  What is important though, is how you can regain your centre and bring your value and worth back into focus.

This 30-minute “No More Shame” Self-Hypnosis Recording is designed to support you in creating a new habit of bringing yourself back to centre and focusing on your value and worth on a daily basis.  It is a gift to self of 30 uninterrupted minutes of pure YOU time.

When you embrace this gift for self you release the shackles of merely surviving and you step into the empowerment of thriving!

Our self-hypnosis audio downloads have been designed by our team of experienced hypnotherapists to help re-wire, re-map and re-align your neural-pathways to ensure that you are able to create deep and long-lasting transformation, so that you are able to step into your true power as a woman and a mama.



Imagine what it would be like to:

  • No longer carry the weight of shame around with you
  • Step into your power and embrace all that is amazing, valuable, worthy and deserving about being a woman and a mama
  • Make regular time to nourish and nurture you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually by journeying with this 30-minute self-hypnosis recording
  • Give yourself permission to be all that you are, warts and all, and thrive!

To achieve results all you need to do is give yourself a quiet space where you can be uninterrupted for approximately 30 minutes.

You can achieve significant results with just one 30-minute self-hypnosis….

You never know…this may be the beginning of your new “Morning Wake-Up Routine”.

No coffee needed LOL 😉

Once you purchase from any of our self-hypnosis audio recordings, you will have it to listen to for ever.  You can download it directly to your favourite device and listen anytime, anywhere as often as you like.  When you buy any of our self-hypnosis audio recordings you will receive them instantly, you will also receive them by E-Mail.

Holding onto the “unjoyful” emotions of life and not honouring them or letting them pass through you are learned behaviours, it was once the solution to a problem.  It isn’t working in desirable ways for you now.  With awareness of your habits and how they are working OR not working for you empowers you with choice…

You get to choose new habits…new ways of thinking, feeling, believing and behaving.  Believe it or not, you do have choice over how you react or respond.

Hypnotherapy is a fabulously powerful tool to re-train your brain to release and let go of the old, unhelpful habits you have been engaging with to “get you through” and re-align to new and exciting possibilities for new habits that are more desirable, helpful and supportive.

Within just a few minutes each day you can let the old feelings, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours begin to melt away and you can start feeling better immediately.  It is important to note that hypnosis doesn’t remove life’s challenges all together.  BUT what it does do is help you to shift your perspectives, create space and peace from within and allow you to step back into the driver’s seat of your own life and become empowered with choice!  Choice about who you would like to be and how you would like to feel, think, believe and behave by taking one step at a time.

These hypnotic recordings help you to open the door to lasting change by supporting you to get right to the root of the problem and to release, reframe and realign your entire mind on a subconscious level. 

Imagine now, what it could be like for you to honour the feelings of shame & shift your perspective to focus on the value, worth and deserving so that you can celebrate the woman that you are and thrive as a woman, mama, spouse, daughter, friend and colleague…Feels good hey?

To keep this as simple and as accessible as possible you do not require any special device to listen to our audio therapies, it works on any mobile phone, tablet or computer without having to download any special apps. (Works on android and Iphone /Ipad)

When you purchase our Hypnotherapy audio, you will receive instant access to the audio file, and it will also be delivered straight to your e-mail.  You will have it to listen to over and over again.

So, if you are ready to be your own V.I.P and discover who you are as a woman, so you can become a happier, healthier mama, spouse, daughter and friend…then I invite you to begin your self-hypnosis transformation journey TODAY!

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