Embracing your truth makes way for it to become easier.
Sarah had two children and a husband who she loved dearly.
Being a mom was hard, but with every challenge came a new opportunity.
Sarah embraced the struggles & the joys that came with motherhood and found strength in knowing that she was not alone.
Her challenges & hardships were universally experienced by all women who have ever been a mother or a wife.
She sought out women of inspiration.
Women who had overcome the challenges in ways that fulfilled, nourished & nurtured them to be strong within themselves.
As time went on, Sarah discovered that the more she embraced the truth of her experience, the more empowered she felt.
She was able to make decisions with confidence and to look at things from new perspectives.
Instead, she was able to take on each new challenge, each new day, with a newfound sense of strength, courage & a deep sense of self, as not only a mama, but the woman her heart desired her to be.
The moral of this story is to never deny the struggles that come with being a mama.
Instead, embrace them.
The more you embrace the truth of your experience, the more empowered you will become, &the easier it will become to take on the challenges of motherhood.